The Wight Quadruplane was designed and developed in 1916. Powered by a 110hp Clerget 9Z rotary, the single Wight Quadruplane built underwent a number of rebuilds and redesigns between 1916 through 1917, but flight characteristics remained unsatisfactory and the type was never developed any further. The single prototype airframe was written off in 1918. Projected armament was one or two Vickers machine guns mounted ahead of the pilot, although photographic evidence doesn't indicate that guns were ever fitted.
Model of the Wight Quadruplane depicts the aircraft in the standard Royal Flying Corps finish of PC-10 dope over clear-doped linen. The download contains PDF files with both 1/48- and 172-scale versions.
Paper Model Details (1/148-scale version): 96 parts on two pages, with five construction diagrams. One-piece wing spars. Full cockpit and detailed rotary engine. Boxed wheels; duo-fold struts and tail skid.
Text written by Bart Wheeler, copyright 2011, Bart Wheeler and Used by permission.
Scale 1/48 and 1/72